Project result 4 – VAE Testing

Project result description

Each partner has to identify 5 candidates for the trial for a total of 20 participants.
Each partner will be responsible for the application of the VAE approach and will have to address it in more detail:
– User reception
– Information for users
– Planning and organisation of validation sessions
– Planning and organisation of tests (written, oral, practical)
– Processing of VAE application files
– Processing of eligibility
– Convocation of candidates
– Convocation of juries, members of examination boards
– Planning and organisation of juries
– Managing and entering candidates’ results
– Informing candidates of their results


Result Type

Adaptation and testing of VAE procedure in Italy, Belgium and Cyprus.  


Applied methodology

Each partner will adapt and apply the VAE methodology in their own context, following VAE procedures and process.

Result Title
VAE piloting. 
To keep updated on this result, consult the platform here.